Pani prezes Sali P.S.A.

Sali p.s.a.

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The internet has its own rules, so here’s some official information about us:

Sali P.S.A. – Producer of Animal Supplements

Salli & Catti are Polish brands of animal supplements that were created 5 years ago out of love for pets and concern for their devoted caretakers. We produce the highest quality organic supplements for animals, supporting their health, proper development, and aiding in the treatment of various chronic conditions. Salli & Catti products are made exclusively from natural, completely safe ingredients for pets. Our formulas are developed in collaboration with experienced veterinarians.

Safe, Organic Animal Supplements

In our Salli & Catti organic veterinary supplements, we use active substances extracted from plant sources. For example, Salli+ is based on salicin, a phenolic glycoside derived from willow bark. This substance is an easily absorbable complex sugar that is metabolized in dogs to salicylic acid. Similar to synthetic acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), it has strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties but is much gentler on the digestive system.

Thanks to the use of natural ingredients with proven efficacy (comparable to or higher than synthetic compounds), Salli & Catti animal supplements can be given to pets without the risk of adverse side effects. Additionally, the supplements created using the latest technologies are completely safe for the environment.

Experienced Producer of Dog Supplements

Sali P.S.A. has established its market position as a producer of dog supplements. Our veterinary products are designed specifically to meet the unique needs of dogs. They are helpful in treating common canine ailments such as:

  • Joint degeneration
  • Heart and circulatory system diseases
  • Kennel cough (infectious tracheobronchitis)
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Wounds from fights with other animals

Salli & Catti veterinary supplements are the perfect addition to any dog’s medicine cabinet. Depending on their purpose, they can be safely used in emergencies (such as acute inflammations) to relieve your pet’s suffering until you can visit a veterinarian. After consulting with a specialist, selected supplements can be permanently incorporated into your dog’s diet. They are suitable for long-term anti-inflammatory therapies, such as those needed for chronic musculoskeletal conditions.

We Also Produce Supplements for Cats – and More!

Salli dog supplements are successfully used in veterinary practices, providing relief to many patients, especially those who cannot use synthetic medications for various reasons. Because of this success, our company decided to expand our offerings to cat owners as well. Since salicin-based supplements are unsuitable for cats, we developed a separate line called Catti, which addresses common feline health issues.

One prevalent condition in cats is urinary tract inflammation, which can have many causes, including behavioral ones. Often, the issue is due to infection with E. Coli bacteria, which are resistant to antibiotics. Our Catti M supplement effectively combats pathogens embedded in the bladder lining, freeing cats from recurrent, painful infections.

Sali P.S.A. continuously develops new solutions, not only for household pets but also for horses. This allows caring owners and breeders to take even better care of their animals.

We sincerely wish everyone the best of health!