Salli & Catti are veterinary preparation brands that were created out of love for pets.

We create the highest quality plant-based formulations for pets that support their health and are also helpful in the fight against many chronic conditions.Salli & Catti products are made exclusively with natural ingredients that are completely safe for four-legged pets.

for dog's joints

effectiveness of salli s


Doctors tell us about the effectiveness of the therapy at 90%.The following is Dr Andrew Mastaler’s opinion on the use of Salli S: “I can confidently recommend Salli S, which provides relief for dogs with movement problems, while not burdening the liver or stomach . This is a common problem in the elderly. The basic principle is consistency in application and constant contact with the vet. The effect of improving the dog’s life is assured.


from nature for pets

Salli are veterinary preparations for dogs based on plant extracts.We are bringing back two herbal substances for therapeutic use:

  • The first is salicin, extracted from Willow.
  • The second is boswellic acid, extracted from the resin of Frankincense.

Both substances have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Both have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

“Primum non nocere” – first, do no harm – Hippocrates.


How soon can you expect the effects of administering Salli ?

The rate of action of Salli depends on the state of the patient’s liver, as it is the liver that metabolises the active substance (salicylic acid) from salicin. If the dog has a reasonably efficient liver then the effects come after a few hours. If, on the other hand, the liver is in a poorer state, e.g. as a result of steroids in the treatment, the saturation period can extend up to several days. The important thing is that the effect always comes and the patient is not harmed !

How long can Salli S be administered ?

Salli preparations are designed for very long anti-inflammatory treatments. They can be administered to patients for many months without exposing the little ones to complications!

Is salicin the same as acetylsalicylic acid or the popular aspirin ?

Fortunately, this is not the same thing. Acetylsalicylic acid is a synthetic substance produced from acetic anhydride. Acetic anhydride belongs to the acetyl group of substances and is used in the production of various plastics and acetylsalicylic acid. Salicin, on the other hand, is an easily digestible complex sugar from which the liver internally metabolises the active substance, salicylic acid.

After all, they are salicylates, is it safe to use Salli ?

This is the most common misconception! Salicylates are salts of salicylic acid, or in Polish willowy acid, and are produced in a biochemical process by the body. They take part in the inhibition of inflammation. The misunderstanding is that today acetylsalicylic acid is popularly referred to in this way. The bad reputation of acetylsalicylic acid, on the other hand, stems from the undesirable effects of the basis of its synthesis, acetic anhydride (see above). This substance, for example, causes micro-bleeding already on the tongue!

Does Salli irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive system ?

The substances contained in Salla are gentle on the digestive system. They are easily absorbed and boswellia serrata even has a tonic effect.

Can Salli S be given together with anti-inflammatory drugs ?

We do not recommend this duplication of anti-inflammatory agents. It makes no therapeutic sense. If the dog has been given a synthetic agent, the anti-inflammatory treatment can be extended for weeks and months after its duration of action, thanks to Salli. This is particularly helpful in older dogs and affects about 30-40% of patients with chronic osteoarthritis (joint degeneration, etc.).

Can Salli preparations be given to cats ?

Unfortunately, no. Salli preparations are based on salicin. This is a phenolic glycoside that cats cannot tolerate.

we wish you good health and invite you for long walks!